Sunday, September 22, 2013


Reece played quarterback for most of his game today, he did a really good job. 

getting ready to hand off

waiting for the ball


These are the pictures that he had taken.  I am not sure what is up with
his smile, he looks scared!  I have a button, don't know if I will
be wearing that.

DIY- Cozy Coupe

I have seen where people have updated the look of their Cozy Coupes, thought we could try it.   I started checking on Pinterest for ideas and directions on what to do.  Our neighbor is cleaning out their garage and had one they didn't want, we got it FREE!  I picked up some spray paint and we started the process.  I think it turned out pretty cool, I hope Carson loves it!


During: 2 cans of black spray paint, 1 can of yellow and
1 can of clear



Harper's Party

We had Harper's Candyland party at her dance studio. 

Harper with her best buddies from school.

Candyland cake

opening presents!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

We are the Chiefs

Reece started flag football today, we weren't really sure what to expect.  Clint is helping coach and he felt like the kids would do pretty well.  They were pretty nervous at first but then started doing good!  Reece did a good job grabbing the flags..."tackling"...the other kids.  I think that we won, we scored a couple touchdowns.  He said that he had fun and I think Clint did to!  It was hard to get pictures of him on offense, I will try better next week.  AND we have the ugliest colors shirts with yellow writing!

getting ready to block Jack



action shot...getting his flags!

Harper is 5!

Harper was up bright and early (not normal for her!) to eat donuts and open presents!  She got some random gifts, but was pretty excited about all of them.  I think the biggest hit for her and Reece was a CD player and Kids Bop, we have been jammin' all afternoon!

Yes, that is a Christmas nightgown! 

She was excited to get her own bat,
 now she doesn't have to use a "boy" bat. 

They are all checking out Harp's new stuff.

Stompeez...just what she wanted!

Molly's Cupcakes for her birthday cake. She picked
strawberry shortcake.  We also got some mini
cupcakes for home!